The Lies We Tell (The Undertaker's Daughter #2) by Debra Webb
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The Lies We Tell (The Undertaker's Daughter #2) by Debra Webb
Prix or Price : 3,23€ en numérique (246 pages) et 9,37€ en poche
Éditeur : Mira Books (17 septembre 2019)
- Langue : Anglais
Note Amazon, Goodreads & Netgalley : 4*
A few words about the author :
DEBRA WEBB is the USA Today bestselling author of more than 150 novels, including reader favorites the Shades of Death, the Faces of Evil and the Colby Agency series. She is the recipient of the prestigious Romantic Times Career Achievement Award for Romantic Suspense as well as numerous Reviewers Choice Awards. In 2012 Debra was honored as the first recipient of the esteemed L. A. Banks Warrior Woman Award for her courage, strength, and grace in the face of adversity. Recently Debra was awarded the distinguished Centennial Award for having achieved publication of her 100th

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