Quiet No More by Nikki Barthelmess
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Quiet No More by Nikki Barthelmess
Prix or Price : 8,94€ en numérique (352 pages) et 13,12€ en broché
- Éditeur : North Star Editions (13 octobre 2020)
Langue de lecture : Anglais
Age de lecture : 14 - 18
Niveau scolaire : 9 - 12
Nombres de livres dans la série : deux
Note Amazon, Bookpub, Goodreads & Netgalley : 5*
A few words about the author :
Nikki Barthelmess is an author of young adult books, including The Quiet You Carry, Quiet No More, and Everything Within and In Between. While growing up in foster care, Nikki found solace in books and writing. A former journalist, Nikki lives in sunny Santa Barbara with her husband, daughter, and a diva of a corgi. When not reading or working on her books, Nikki loves advocating for the rights of current and former foster youth, jogging near the beach, and

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