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I could have chosen another photo (almost cynical) you can see on Twitter which shows two kind of toilet papers but actually pretty the same with A and B to name the expected ones (Trump or Biden) or doom choice for voters. But I could not, too easy ; and because Justice Matters.
Because things are complicated in regard both to West and East disinformation and propaganda on one hand and, in another hand, because of an ongoing investigation still stumbling especially now with Judge Cannon. So, I chose (source : 'KennedyBeacon', Twitter, March 16th) the one which advocates for FREE SPEECH and invites to the rally in Washington on March 18th in front of Supreme Court. Isn't it a symbol of corruption ? If so, and it seems too generally speaking, it's the same one (the same kind of corruption, very serious) than Judge Cannon one. And so, we have to deal with the corruption of an American Justice or post-Trump administration inside and
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American Presidency, America President, and The Rule of Law
Cecile Voisset
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