Do you Believe Into Coincidences ?
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Do you Believe Into Coincidences ?
Two facts, the first one with my elected photo (and the paper on The Defender, March 12th) : "Harvard Fires Professor who Co-wrote Great Barrington Declaration". What is Barrington Chart ? A long argument signed by nearly 1 million public health professionals from accross the world. And Martin Kulldorff, an epidemiologist and professor of medicine at Harvard University, was fired by that University. No subconscious untold rules : you don't criticize the covidian narrative as well as you don't oppose the measures like lockdown with vaccines mandates : if you do, you are fired. This is the first fact.
The second one concerns the very University (the Professor reminds us Veritas is its pledge) we've lately heard about; and guess about what or for which reason ? The answer is ANTISEMITISM. Two papers on that subject are found into Haaretz Daily Brief (March 17th) : U. S. are less hospitable now to Jewish people, and one paper headline
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American Presidency, America President, and The Rule of Law
Cecile Voisset
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