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CLARIFYING (one year behind with questions, suspicions and lack of understanding) : still FOCUSING.

CLARIFYING (one year behind with questions, suspicions and lack of understanding) : still FOCUSING.

Publié le 25 nov. 2023 Mis à jour le 25 nov. 2023 Culture
time 3 min
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lecture 88 lectures

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CLARIFYING (one year behind with questions, suspicions and lack of understanding) : still FOCUSING.


Thank you to The online Australian review The Conversation (Nov. 16th for its inspiring title), but I would like to open this new 'creative room' - Trump Trials ahead - by two remarks of the French media L'Express : the first one is like a fear, for they write that Trump can return or come back to the White House, he can win ; let's rather pay attention to Glenn Kirschner's analysis (Justice Matters) whose job allows him to explain and convince, and lately (Nov 25th) he reminds us that TRUMP has no regard for Congress, People, Court and so on and that's why he won't be successful, given election is clearly his own goal as immunity. Have we to add (yes we have) that (MSNBC, Nov. 19th) Gov Pritzker declared himself " 'deeply concerned' about Trump's 'predilection for revenge' " so about confusion between JUSTICE and REVENGE especially VENDETTA (the very opposite of the Rule of Law and bandits rule, like any mafia) ? Let's also add, st

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