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Bad Weather for Lawyers ...

Bad Weather for Lawyers ...

Publié le 24 janv. 2024 Mis à jour le 24 janv. 2024 Culture
time 3 min
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lecture 88 lectures

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Bad Weather for Lawyers ...


"Turkey Will Play a Key Role in Hamas' Fate" (Haaretz, Jan. 23th) : such an issue and more specifically this statement (you can also see the photo) regards a Head of State and a country which political fate can be viewed inside or outside Europe as well as Nato: that is the DEMOCRACY ISSUE, The Rule of Law enforcement (no kingdom, only but the City and its Laws, with its Consitution), that Trump disastruous election and such a former President of U. S. corruption so now charged but not yet indicted and convicted (and still Democracy threaten). No deal in sight ? That's the raised question concerning the HAMAS terrorism and the ludicrous trial of Israel (at war not with Gaza and Palestinians but with Hezbolah...): the genocide case. It is ludicrous also, worrying (source : 'Pressenza', Jan. 22th, which supports Asssange so someone charged by American Justice) and crazy that one can democratically admit that American Rabbis invade UNO

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