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An American Conspiracy and its Links with the Rest of the World

An American Conspiracy and its Links with the Rest of the World

Publié le 11 févr. 2024 Mis à jour le 11 févr. 2024 Culture
time 3 min
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lecture 107 lectures

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An American Conspiracy and its Links with the Rest of the World


Let's make some improvements to the so called "huge seditious criminal conspiracy", the CONSPIRACY or the main very serious CHARGE (the first one  many months ago) upon Donald Trump, so an American one. It could be this time the moment when the conspirators and co-conspirators, now Trump Defendant and co-defendants, are witnesses against themselves : a chance for advancing into inquiry and imaging an ONGOING INVESTIGATION from every corner of the world. You know hearings are now important and very interesting, as you know the former President of America lawfully, constitutionally, lost his immunity from prosecution (and one of his already big defeats is not only Colorado state). A bit funny is the post by Glenn Kirschner (Justice Matters, Feb. 11th) : "The three most incriminating witnesses" against Trump : who are they for "crashing" him to trial without exonerating the Republican Congressmen as allies (Watergate standard for think

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