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"LOSER : Trump can't use immunity to delay second E. Jean Carroll defamation trial" (source : "Fight Trump", FB, Dec. 12th). Victory for women respect, defeat for the Disqualified One a second state (Main, after Collorado) regards for the Presidency run and first of all concerning primary ballot (actually he is barred) ; anyway the former President of America is not a runner, and time is running out : delay strategy - OBSTRUCTION too - is vain, intox (only but false claims, disinformation, and now DEFAMATION regarding DOJ about what G. Kirschner talks since many days now : how believe Trump will be exonerated in any way ? Think to (why were are not heard about CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS CASE...?) his felony, his defraud, a huge seditious criminal conspiracy, a riot.... Another fact regarding Trump : in another word, a very bad news for him (abc News, Dec. 28th) : "Congress in 2023 was a wild ride. Mccarthy's ouster, Santos' expulsion and
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American Presidency, America President, and The Rule of Law
Cecile Voisset
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