Stop with Israel. Focus on Trump Defendant and a few other heads of State
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Stop with Israel. Focus on Trump Defendant and a few other heads of State
My photo had been found into CNN's 5 Things (Dec. 12th) : "A large menorah outside the White House in Washington DC".
May Israel and US relationships remain friendly and tight, almost a prayer when we can only but deplore what is happenning there which still feeds antisemitism whereas we all should focus on Trump Defendant, and already consider Putin Defendant (Russia behind Iran behind Hamas...) as well as Netanyahu Defendant, perhaps more.
The first one (Trump) is loosing in Court (daily his criminal organization, or gang, with co-conspirator is unmasked), the two others are each one by themselves a CASE (clearly interference into America election for Russian President) too but both a CORRUPTION one. Today Netanyahu's politics (his judicial coup and his numerous protesters for democracy in Israel) even threats old good and almost natural ties with America : why then ? What's up ? Or what happenned ? Could it be possible that the
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