NOTHING IS AUTOMATIC(and gamer Trump does not know standing up)
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NOTHING IS AUTOMATIC(and gamer Trump does not know standing up)
I would like to emphasize on an event the world pays a tribute to, a French one which (I dare say) I believe it was already registered into Constitution because it seems to me so obvious : it's done now regarding the abortion right, finally a world-wide event, a victory Reuters Daily Briefing (March 4th) reports by this photo. Of course, it is from a Democracy standpoint or a Law one (The Rule of Law we are many to cherish) if we keep in mind that such a necessary right into an America still threated by Suprematism and Trump Mob : remember the fight especially regarding some states, by which the confession issue one more time emerges as nothing but regression both for women (their body is to hers and they get a right to decide) and men (who cannot suffer something they did not desire..., so a right to decide too). I quote Reuters : "French lawmakers hold vote to make abortion a Constitution right". So, what about U. S. especially no
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American Presidency, America President, and The Rule of Law
Cecile Voisset
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