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Just Returning to the Source : Winding up Clocks.

Just Returning to the Source : Winding up Clocks.

Publié le 25 déc. 2023 Mis à jour le 25 déc. 2023 Culture
time 1 min
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lecture 81 lectures

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Just Returning to the Source : Winding up Clocks.


Yes it's a smiling Bashar-al-Assad you can see; for, as INSS Insights (Dec. 24th) wrote (healdine) : "Syria and the Israel-Hamas War : Symbolic Support, Short of Escalation". Don't dream without both any thinking and action.


Merry Christmas ? TRUMP-NETANYAHU, as TRUMP-PUTIN. Rightly Haaretz (Dec. 23th) declares : "The anti-Houti Coalition Reveals the Gap Between the U. S. and Its Mideast Partners". For sure. Something has been lost, only but Justice must to give it back ; and Defendants are numerous (pay attention to Australia too) regarding what Glenn Kirschner (Justice Matters, Dec. 24th) calls "a complex conspiracy" : a CRIMINAL ONE which regards America and overseas.


Just a fact, another (sad, shameful) one, Le Monde (French press) reported (Dec. 24th) : Helmut Schmidt's grave has been "vandalized" (sic) and tagged with swastika !

So, wall of silence (no breaking) is the same than waging war and disinforming (compliance f

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