Unknown and Disinformation Tactic
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Unknown and Disinformation Tactic
"X", or sign for Unknown : a name one, a guilty one, and so on. The new logo of Twitter (does it really make forget the little blue bird some minds could mock for many reasons ?) could be read under such a sign with aim like Truth, Justice, Cases (like classified docs), cold cases and so on; don't know why the new owner of the social media chose it (maybe it is not his) but Musk daily becomes more and more controversial in a bad and worrying meaning : no debate. The free speech champion, a man politically Republican but so different from a Rand Paul, is often watched and now as tied to Israel in a very bad meaning too. You can find in Haaretz Daily Brief (Nov. 27th) a paper on his visit amid Gaza Cease-fire and meeting Netanyahu : an activist of a lame Democracy (is antisemitism touch only suspicious ?) especially of a State whose origin lies on Democracy for a wandering people too who protest today for Democracy against Judicial co
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American Presidency, America President, and The Rule of Law
Cecile Voisset
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