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Thank you to INSS Insight (Dec. 18th) for the photo (above) which rightly focuses on the featuring Putin into a very bad script like an ongoing new cold war; I quote two headlines of the review. First of all : " Russia's 'New World Order' and the Israel-Hamas War" (the Israel-Hamas war, not the Israel-Gaza/palestinians war, okey ? Just have a look to Haaretz Israel news, "Haaretz English", Dec. 20th : "disaster in Israel and gaza"). And refering to the very photo, according to experts in Russia, "Moscow sees the war in Gaza, and sheds light on the implications for Israel". What a mess, against an old friendly natural (counter-historical) union with US (how President Biden could negociate, make his job...., a real put to the test candidate), for Netanyahu's Israel whose links and perhaps secret agreements with anynone (despots, dictators...: contemptuous of Democracy) regarding much respect for Jewish culture : not religion, for I'm
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American Presidency, America President, and The Rule of Law
Cecile Voisset
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