Justice Courts, Putin and Assange...
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Justice Courts, Putin and Assange...
The photo with cicadas on a wall (a short commentary on how they spend their life cycle) is from Reuters Daily Briefing (Feb. 19th) with front page : " How Israel plans to hit Hamas next"(not Palestine, my add). The Russian propaganda is also more and more criticized, pinned up and flattened on a wall like a dirty dangerous insect (like a malevolant virus too) and if I try to find a link, a South one (a so small beast : see the photo), within the context of a philosophical inquiry or quest for truth and given an ongoing INVESTIGATION which starts from U. S. and targets East. It's my purpose then to draw a thread which could be read as a huge canvas falling more and more, daily, in pieces (each day less and less knots, like a dismantling plot : a Greek archetype) ; I listened to Glenn Kirschner (Justice matters, Feb. 20th : Jack Smith expands criminal probe....), about Trump Defendant and "Trump trials", who said : "Walls are crumbli
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American Presidency, America President, and The Rule of Law
Cecile Voisset
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