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"No, Gaza is not Auschwitz"

"No, Gaza is not Auschwitz"

Publié le 10 janv. 2024 Mis à jour le 10 janv. 2024 Culture
time 4 min
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"No, Gaza is not Auschwitz"


My quotation is thankful to Yonathan Arfi, Chairman of CRIF (Counsel  of Jewish Institutions in France : "Non, Gaza n'est pas Auschwitz") and my photo is due to Haaretz Daily Brief (8 and 9 Jan.), one more time because of an exploding or firing situation with the Mideast, which shows since two days the face of  Former Supreme Court President Aharon Barak. Why ? Because he took a stance against the Prime judicial overhaul plan and he is himself, of course, appointed to the the ICJ judicial panel even his ennemis declare wrong his venue or hearing and seem to practise intimidation (alternative to justice obstruction and defamation). I quote : "Netanyahu's gang" (don't you remember another man in which terms anyone now can talk about ?) in the government, the media tried to humiliate him. I quote again : "Barak's Appointment Is a Flak Jacket for Israel at the International Court of Justice". Indeed he is appointed for the case filed ag

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