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This photo is evocative, maybe of something else or another one : not sure but suspicion is emerging with delight in understanding many more links regarding an American CONSPIRACY or the so-called "huge seditious criminal conspiracy" with the Defendant Donald Trump as its hub and a soon indicted one with the other many charges tied with other cases like the classified documents case...., now as conspirator with co-conspirators (and co-defendants) in the verge of testimoning against him ... Well, I picked up the photo into The Conversation (Feb. 16th) with the headline : "As the war in Gaza continues, Germany's unstinting defence of Israel has unreleashed a culture war that just reached Australia." The pure innocent or untouchable continent without any antisemitic facts (it's not, I don't think so, the view of the Australian review but the paper is very controversial) seems then at risk by a world-wide war from a script with Israel
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American Presidency, America President, and The Rule of Law
Cecile Voisset
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