Corruption is always Confusion
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Corruption is always Confusion
Corruption begins with mind, unsustainable until a (turning-non return) point (confusion, conflicts of interests, obstruction and delays, lies and propaganda...). Thanks today to the French Mediapart (Newsletter, Jan. 6th) for the photo, the second one I chose generally speaking for a current suspicious government of FRANCE and because of clear and clearest similarities with AMERICA regarding a knotted (entangled, corrupted) political situation with the former President of US and William Barr whose honesty sounds as much trustworthy as others overseas (across the Atlantic) colleagues in DOJ : lately in France a trial, and almost a controversial for a few good reasons, regarding the Minister of Justice, another Premiere after the one concerning indictment and much more regarding (too) a former President of France. So, this time is at stake the report concerning Gerald Darmanin (Home Office man, or Chief of Police and cults), the Min
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American Presidency, America President, and The Rule of Law
Cecile Voisset
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