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Justice is Human

Justice is Human

Publié le 5 janv. 2024 Mis à jour le 5 janv. 2024 Culture
time 2 min
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lecture 82 lectures

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Justice is Human


Thank you very much to The Conversation (Jan. 4th) for one of its headlines (with the photo above) which pays a tribute to Walter Benjamin "an intellectual truth-seeker" (sic) who always looked for understand MODERNITY. A Jewish one (yeah), having lived not into a jungle (for we are not animals) but a very complicated context.... and we never have to forget that truth research belongs to justice need, will.... And it is interesting (too) that the same review (with another photo, very depressing one), because it is unusual regarding what we know about Past, releases the following headline : "Australia is still reckoning with a shameful legacy : the resettlement of suspected war criminal after WWII". Indeed the matter leads me to others facts and events, debates (but Justice is not debate, it is judgment), into American democracy.

Firstly, interesting is the road inquiry which lead us from Donald Trump to Paul Manafort (Justice Matte

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