"This Is Your War"
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"This Is Your War"
My photo, by a seemingly sharp contrast with my title (Breaking Points, FB, Jan. 28th), was released this week in The Conversation (Jan. 25th) concerning Australia past (so, and present) and a controversial one if we drop a hint to Natives or natural communities; the TOPIC is indeed almost daily developed (for example on anti-semitism, yes or no for an Australian Day ....) with a picture where blood covers a statue maybe like a dated icon. Actually, the Australian online magazine reading shows that the covidian narrative is very strong there and goes on spreading; there - and around the world, it is said - the COVID dangerous pandemic finds its revival by the JN.1 variant which became dominant. Who then can think such a big continent is involved into PROPAGANDA and among others an American or Trumpist/bannonian.... one ? And now, with the ongoing investigation with its many faces or files, we know that there were meetings and links
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American Presidency, America President, and The Rule of Law
Cecile Voisset
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