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Shattering the pro-war Wall of Propaganda, and Pretending.

Shattering the pro-war Wall of Propaganda, and Pretending.

Veröffentlicht am 15, Aug., 2023 Aktualisiert am 15, Aug., 2023 Kultur
time 3 min
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Shattering the pro-war Wall of Propaganda, and Pretending.


Today the photo is picked up to The Grayzone (August 14th) where the headline is about the famous talented guitar player and singer as well as the really committed Roger Waters, who declared : "Let's shatter the wall of propaganda", a war of war and deceptions to oppose an independant publication as the one which releases his goal here. Okay : shattering propaganda as a fight or another war against lies, any kind of lie (defamation, disinformation and so on) : no truth no peace. Such a statement is an Assange one; yet it is incomplete (a little bit dishonest) : NO JUSTICE NO PEACE. Therefore, Julian Assange is not a worthy Cause by itself because Mr WikiLeaks is NOT AN INNOCENT; wicked America didn't "indict" him for nothing at all, just a blank remains concerning the motivation of his arrest in UK and so on and just sentences regarding jail years are on the table '(in another words, Assange is guilty). So, come back to the POINT, to

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