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No Bastard Outside Monarchy

No Bastard Outside Monarchy

Veröffentlicht am 24, Aug., 2023 Aktualisiert am 24, Aug., 2023 Kultur
time 3 min
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No Bastard Outside Monarchy


My photo is funny I find, because (source : The Conversation, August 23th) of its headline (without deciding or knowing of the nature of regime) : "In one chaotic day, Thailand sees one PM elected, one ex-PM sent to jail. Where does the country go from here ?" Presidential Run, and a prisoner : be careful; pleasant echo... from the East.....


Bastards : native or natural children (possibly hidden) - innocents ; f* individuals (dirty, bold impostors) - guilties - too. It seems both meanings can satisfay (actually they do) my purpose today when I think to so many pretenders, sure you agree if you have a look to the international stage : MONARCHY, or KINGDOM admit a formal decency it could be hurt or lacking when improper, shocking even risky situation(s), what is called a SCANDAL. Fakes kingdom (post-truth : the only possible sense of trumpis

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