BIG LIES ARE DANGEROUS LIES (and there are many liars)
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BIG LIES ARE DANGEROUS LIES (and there are many liars)
What on earth to loose, to win, to preserve, to protect, defend .... ? Trump Defendant, and obviously "Trump Trials" : ONGOING INVESTIGATIONS will tell us, beside any offendant - especially innocent and alone - who had could loose their family, their own names, and so on. Today Justice Matters (July 28th) insist that there are indeed dangerous lies, there is a dangerous one especially when it is the case of a lawyer (!) and obviously Trump's former lawyer : Rudy Giuliani who is now almost nothing in our deep minds because he deliberately made false statement (he admitted it, already fear maybe ?) as lawyer. And still now, NEW INDICTMENTS will show us the scale and the size of TRUMP AFFAIR especially regarding CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS CASE.
I chose for my title publication the picture of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis because such a woman, educated one on the contrary of his second husband, crystallises many topics we need now to understand
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