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"D-FENSE" (Here is the Deal), and signs of Time (Here are Words)

"D-FENSE" (Here is the Deal), and signs of Time (Here are Words)

Veröffentlicht am 27, Juli, 2023 Aktualisiert am 27, Juli, 2023 Kultur
time 3 min
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"D-FENSE" (Here is the Deal), and signs of Time (Here are Words)


I quote by my title publication PBS NewsHour ("Here is the Deal", Newsletter : July 25th) both for the title and the photo about Department of Defense. You will see one deal wrapped into the problematics with its main issues (Justice ones like Trump Trials but not only). Why ? Because, their title, without playing with words, make us or could make us understand both a MILITARY ISSUE, and it is the case since a few days, and a topic among others, common and current, very recurrent ones, like FENCE or BARRAGE (something untold or silenced, silentiated for a moment), beside UNPRECEDENT (or example concerning those times we are living, or concerning politics and Trump Defendant with Justice or The Rule of Law) like "unprecedent devastating fires" (on Italy's Southern Island of Sicily, source : Reuters Sustainable Switch, July 27th), and beside (another example) a theme like come back or RETRIEVING as if something has to unearthed, somet

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