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K., ... not like "Conspiracy". 

K., ... not like "Conspiracy". 

Veröffentlicht am 24, Juli, 2023 Aktualisiert am 24, Juli, 2023 Kultur
time 5 min
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K., ... not like "Conspiracy". 


Key Topics for the Presidential Run insist within a subtext, a kind of narrative where you even did not find "Krump"

I chose the image above (source : CHD.TV, July 21th) because it talks about one censorship and because the NARRATIVE I would like to describe, to talk about it is not a covidian one, not a void at all, but really a speech or even a discourse as a real work[ing] in progress with strong themes, big issues, main topics media either don't deal with (the mainstream) or have got a lot to do like Justice now (DOJ, Special Counsel...n and given we could have to hear about a names case). It would have been too easy to spell the famous name with K as Capital one since there is a challenger who is or measures up, and as if there is no other name with the same first letter which could sound like thunderstruck, the same who wrote a book on the Real Fauci and now The Wuhan Cover-Up. The last topic makes me think to what Noam Cho

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