Presidential Run and Sedition Ghost
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Presidential Run and Sedition Ghost
SEDITION is embodied by the former President of US, it's clear : "a Huge Seditious Criminal Conspiracy", the first statement Justice used to qualify something unprecedent, something : a Crime or a specific one an ongoing investigation has to elucidate under many views or aspects and with many charges (already 3 + 2), not a guilty President (he is : Trump Defendant, first of all a Felon) for American Past had to solve The Nixon Gate and so on. Sedition or DIVISION and any way to divide : narrative, interview (the polemical one by CNN), tweets, defamation, lies and bluff, interference and intrusion, and so on. Sedition or North against South, White against Black Suprematism vs Slavery, Catholicism (the major religion as Universal as original meaning) against minor religions, Men against Women, Straight against Gay and so on.
Trump's name is the name of bad seeds, of dubious connections and shady partnerships, controversial friendshi
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