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Fascism : a Warning is the book of Lady Albright, the book which matters NOW; actually ("morning.joe", MSNBC, Oct 27th) Madeleine Albright does not say anything, neither from a tongue viewpoint nor from a Historical one (her own origins, her carrier ....), and such a hate of democracy (she fears and fight by fighting Trump) belongs to Italia and only to Italia. She also talks about the Mueller Report and the Russia Case. Such an interview is the chance of making some links (always keeping in mind a first charge, a kind of hub ; Trump Defendant and "a huge seditious criminal conspiracy"), with help of others like Glenn Kirschner whose daily broadcasts (Justice Matters, among others) can make much light on three things, three linked ones : 1. Corrupted Justice as Bill Barr Attorney General (so, only but corruption inside the DOJ with FIB where any honest official was ..... fired) who truly says what he wants (not what it is, no : wha
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