PROPAGANDA : Ukraine as Scapegoat
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PROPAGANDA : Ukraine as Scapegoat
Pressenza, since two days, raise questions (at least one) without being clear on the ISSUE on UKRAINE (the war would not be enough ?). The photo above is from this online review (leftist one) which shows a pacifist (without any reflection, a good point for fantasy and children) who, at the same time, put Volodymyr Zelensky under a bad light : his country (as State Head) would be not a Democracy, would even be wicked with pacifists, like UK and The WEST (remind us) with the Saint Assange whom Pressenza talks a lot. I suspect still PROPAGANDA, trying to make forgetting the RUSSIA CASE, and also propaganda by which, from deduction, we can conclude Julian Assange Case belongs to what he named himself the Russiagate (mind the US standard : the Watergate ; what a pity that those Untied States which will Assange Angel 's extradition) whereas Mr Robert S. Mueller's Report uses other words (and it matters) into a clear factual context - no m
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