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NO BOSS, ONLY AND THE ONLY ONE RULE OF LAW(Trump, Russia, Israel, Italy, Saudi Arabia ... Assange Case ... and more)

NO BOSS, ONLY AND THE ONLY ONE RULE OF LAW(Trump, Russia, Israel, Italy, Saudi Arabia ... Assange Case ... and more)

Veröffentlicht am 23, Sept., 2023 Aktualisiert am 23, Sept., 2023 Kultur
time 5 min
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NO BOSS, ONLY AND THE ONLY ONE RULE OF LAW(Trump, Russia, Israel, Italy, Saudi Arabia ... Assange Case ... and more)


The old (fashion) story of the underworld (neither the underground nor Deep State, just shadow Cabinets or whatever but always backdoor, backstreet, backstage, backrooms ..... night birds) is the story of DOUBLE, SUBSTITUTE (and rivalry), MONKEY (and twitter), USURPER, just PERFORMANCE and THEFT : the little but venimous (sedition as, among others, sabotage) story which pretends - and President Kennedy was a Day One - challenging the History with Laws and Constitutions (any History, since Egypt, is written ; by who, it is not yet the issue) : Today, our real delight, The United States of America are showing WHO MAKES HISTORY, and who currently but soon regarding a dark and untold past. Actually, in a Dear America (not a dream), the one Trump failed to fire makes History; Robert S. Mueller does not tremble; neither too Jack Smith and "colleagues" (former or sitting officials); surely we are (I'm not scared, just angry) a few inside an

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