No Blackmail, None.Only morals of Life.
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No Blackmail, None.Only morals of Life.
My photo choice ? A tribute to Fani Willis (source : MSNBC |opinion, August 25th), and so to Justice, to The Rule of Law (she embodies) for which LIFE is criteria on the contrary of death and crime broadly speaking : you must not kill, murder, assassinate, enslave (sell), hurt other's life and so on. The Disqualified, now, lost any CREDIBILITY (religion or confession : true fundamentalism or suprematism) and his crimes under investigation - "Trump trials" - for sure are already very grave and serious; and the ongoing investigation likely will show the trouble dark field of criminality in which Trump Defendant moved ; think to EPSTEIN, a name which still emerges like a ghost or a failed repressed past (maybe a written one) regarding the Mugshot former President of America. Yes : a Trump without any fitted suit (and no suit of clothes) for Presidency of The United States of America, a Trump felon especially regarding RUSSIAGATE or Put
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