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The photo above is seen in Haaretz Daily Brief (August 13th) about a paper entitled "32nd Week of Israel's Pro-Democracy Protests | 'Choose Democracy', Ex-IDF General Calls on Army Chief to Back Rule of Law in Looming Conflict With 'Gov't of Criminals' ". Why such a choice ? Because it can show the parallel and the same dangerous line between Israel State of Netanyahu and ex-Trump State ; Netanyahu Defendant does not exist yet, but, adding criminal charges upon him by his legal opponents, he could and he could be especially if the starting-point of still an ongoing investigation concerning now Trump Defendant in U.S. leads to, in accordance with different views around a "huge seditious criminal conspiracy" and a failed Coup (Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection...), a second and enlarged one regarding not only near aides of the Former President but controversial partnerships and far alliances. he could have contracted before his very electi
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