From Conspiracy to Co-Conspirators
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From Conspiracy to Co-Conspirators
An ongoing investigation by DOJ since "a huge seditious criminal conspiracy" (tied to Jan 6th Insurrection) which led to Trump's charges and then to more than one indictment (and it is not an end; so we deal with a huge investigation) is now pursuing and naming the felons or the former White House staff under Trumpist administration (Penn, Meadow, Flynn and so on) as well as the infamous acquaitance and relationships of Donald Trump. The latest big fish is actually Bill, William Barr : Attorney General (extremely case) who worked both for G. H. W. Bush and then for D. J. Trump. Most serious Corruption is of course Justice Corruption ; here is another candidate for a fair and uncompromised Trial. Barr Defendant belongs to the "propaganda machine" (Glenn Kirschner) and blackout CORRUPTION of the former President of U.S. who is already disqualified for running into Presidency Campaign and who will be never more a State Head. PROPAGAN
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