Republicans Watchword and Tactic : "Shutdown", and Serious Testimonies againsty TRUMP DEFENDANT
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Republicans Watchword and Tactic : "Shutdown", and Serious Testimonies againsty TRUMP DEFENDANT
I chose this photo of a worthy former President of The United States of America, a current man (source : Morning Brew, September 25th) who always embodied opened mind as well as (it is synonymous with) union. Except the worthy fight too of The Children Health Defense against PROPAGANDA, especially health one (your mind as well as you body) concerning the Coronavirus narrative or myth and the corrputed authorities like World Health Order (see Letter by CHD on September 26th : STOP THE WHO POWER GRAB) and much money earned against human beings by BIG PHARMA with any chemical damage, for example (see CHD, Sept. 26th) Merck's COVID Pill which causes covid variants ! (needless to talk about the corrupted Fauci, expected are investigations, for sure along the ongoing one which focuses on the Disqualified Donald Trump), Presidency Run and especially during those trouble and usual times of corruption (collusion for election between Power an
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