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Classified Documents : Crown Affair ('Corona Case'), Cold Case. 

Classified Documents : Crown Affair ('Corona Case'), Cold Case. 

Veröffentlicht am 11, Okt., 2023 Aktualisiert am 12, Okt., 2023 Kultur
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Classified Documents : Crown Affair ('Corona Case'), Cold Case. 


'Halloween' can also scare, even for fun : here is one sense of the photo (source : Razib Khan's Unsupervised Learning, his Newsletter, Oct. 10Th) whose comment, optimistic because progressive, could be understood from the horrific side and not from the following hopeful one : " For the first time ever, parents going through IVF can use whole genome sequencing to screen their embryos for hundreds of conditions. Harness the power of genetics to keep you family safe, with Orchid". Okay, it's only but advertising (capatation first of all : a Firm Name of a human disatisfaction). But, even not thinking a dystopia, IMAGINE (with REASON help) scientists or researchers especially who work for power (anyone but established ones : military one, a wealthy one or both political and economical ones or politics like business....), are authorized to fabric a virus, any mean or tiny one (or minus one) in order to give an advantage to some private

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