The Liar is a Defamer, the Robber a Loser.
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The Liar is a Defamer, the Robber a Loser.
No Trump - Defendant - spy : so obvious, not spy for Russia (not him). A criminal inquiry is now launched (MSNBC, "The Beat", July 30th) because of the "Big Loss" (MSNBC, "The Last Word", July 30th), for the big looser of course claims not The Rule of Law but embodies "the vindication of the criminal law" (sic) : (every body knows) you're never lost by words, in the hypothesis you can say anything without any respect : it is the obvious case of Donald Trump under a hard very hard rain, the next are expected too when we consider an ongoing investigation regarding to a scale, a size, a shifting focus. One former chief, the former FBI Assistant Director Peter Strzok tells and his words are ironic : the "mob Boss" (refering to his servers, staff at home, each indicted now) ; such a statement sounds like a Mob Boss in Special Counsel's "new obstruction charged in classified documents case", one more. Delay stategy ? Undone. More - oh Me
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