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Either The Rule of Law Or Mafia

Either The Rule of Law Or Mafia

Veröffentlicht am 29, Juli, 2023 Aktualisiert am 29, Juli, 2023 Kultur
time 2 min
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Either The Rule of Law Or Mafia


Thanks a lot to the Le Monde ("A la Une", July 28th) for reporting that the resistant Roberto Salviano was excluded by public Italian television. A shame. A BIG SHAME. A - my - tribute, too, to such a man and writer ; I mentioned one of his books : Gomorrha - mind the title, think and think once not twice. I already gave a broad sense to the term "'mafia", I could have also denunciate those mean people (your neighboors and so on, those so careful for their own reputation but destroy the other ones), as criminal than mafiosi who sell people : SHAME ON ALL OF THEM.

My title, not provocative or else to URGE to think or to react (when words are acts : performance is the definition, not mimicry). And I would like also not pay a tribute but rather sincerely thank Bill Maher (MSNBC, July 28th : "B. Maher plays hardball") for having told a simple but so true truth (not recurring, especially of those days still heavy by an insane trumpian a

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