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11th ROUND : Julian Assange is not what he pretends to be(Trump lies, the Russia Case, the highly classified docs case)

11th ROUND : Julian Assange is not what he pretends to be(Trump lies, the Russia Case, the highly classified docs case)

Publié le 19 sept. 2023 Mis à jour le 19 sept. 2023 Technologie
time 3 min
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lecture 29 lectures

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11th ROUND : Julian Assange is not what he pretends to be(Trump lies, the Russia Case, the highly classified docs case)


If you listen to Glenn Kirschner (Justice Matters, Sept. 19th), then forget Trump ; of course he endangers American People, poisons public mind and all his lies are so damaging that Jack Smith decided a gag order (Stop: easy). So : exit Trump from worldwide stage (towards jail). Instead, pay more and more attention (if you don't want to be under influence, under control or out of mind, do the opposite you hear about and FOCUS your thought on an object in order to find and keep the right sense (mind game or entertainment) : "While Trump gets prosecuted in New York, the classified documents - MAL - of just. case heats up !" I don't truly think it concerns actually Trump himself or only him, of course not. The key word is : DOCUMENTS. Then, ask yourself the following question (like associations in accordance to a critical thinking) : Which documents? And where else ?(HIGHLY) CLASSIFIED ONES, SECRET or CONFIDENTIAL ONES, DOSSIER[S] amon

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