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My title could be also the one of my photo which sounds like a foreword the Letter by Mary Holland (Children Health Defense, August 22th) who sollicites donations for RFK Jr's presidential campaign. Why ? Because actually Truth is coming out, not according to a religious sense for satisfying bigotry or hypocrisy both synonmymous with intolerance or censorship but in view of revelations along with a busy so productive Justice as well as with a professional American Press. SCANDALS ahead. Big Issues, needless to say some moralization for trying to forget MONEY RULES like big firms ones (I've just read a Newsletter from Greenpeace which gives me an idea regardind different links : Big Pharma-Oil and so on) which still ignore the polluter-pays principle : a few DIRTY categories of people, more generally speaking which use to violate The Rule of Law, some Mafias ; and here are for example two questions (think about it, maybe one only) wh
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"Trump Trials" and American Presidential Campaign
Cecile Voisset
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