7th Round : Gay is not fashionable in Undemocracies
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7th Round : Gay is not fashionable in Undemocracies
Here is a funny photo, a caricature post by a French man on FaceBook today, subversion of one taboo and lots of propaganda any SUPREMATISM spreads. From Trump (exit) to China (via Covidian narrative and American governement accountability) until the marriage of two matching lovers (made each to other) : (North) Korea and Russia. Let's have fun, before coming back to serious files, important and urgent cases and especially The Dossier.
Today on September 14th, we can say the fall of Donald Trump is near if we still hear about what Glenn Kirschner (Justice Matters, Sept 14th) reports : even now Judge Cannon is led to rule against the former President; his mean person is so little regarding docs case, classified information, mishandling sensitive national security. It is not the fall of Putin but it is not his raise. Today we also say the fall of Elon Musk (for example CNN, Sept. 13th) regarding a new biography concerning this Republi
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"Trump Trials" and American Presidential Campaign
Cecile Voisset
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