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From Past To Present and From Present to Past (one single)And DISINFORMATION is DEFAMATION

From Past To Present and From Present to Past (one single)And DISINFORMATION is DEFAMATION

Publié le 4 août 2023 Mis à jour le 4 août 2023 Culture
time 4 min
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lecture 85 lectures

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From Past To Present and From Present to Past (one single)And DISINFORMATION is DEFAMATION


Thank you to Ruth Schuster (Haaretz Archaeology & Science, August 3rd) for her very interesting paper as a good MIRROR or FOCUS (enough of narcissisms, ego and imago : BIG EYE, Big Brother too) with the photo you can appreciate, a sunny view high on a plateau or the ancient city of Pergamon (about 26 kilometers from the sea) - TURKEY - and a Roman military amphitheatre with walls painted blood-red, and the political analogy she uses (until U. S. ) or its modern double is for us another chance of reflection. I quote : "In Ukraine, a cave that people used to hide from marauders for around 6,000 years was also used by Jews hiding from the Nazis during Holocaust." And there is much more to read (until New York...). So : When PAST is receding like a BIG WAVE... (TSUNAMI ahead), like a REALITY RAPT on the contrary of a dream of Power by Kontrol of anyone, of any dream... Surely Turkey as country name has something to tell concerning one i

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