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Thank you very much to The Weekly Dish (October 6th) for both its inspiring photo (realitistic) and its title : "A Culture Primed for Indecency". Why ? Because non decency - like faking as lying tactic, endless lies with no other defense lines, defamation, degradation- is a Trumpist mark, among others : an undecency or loss of values into a Democracy so a trip for totalitarism (not necessarily marxism - do you truly believe in Putin's marxism ? - or only it) or negation, denial of human (basic) rights like decency and dignity (privacy right) in accordance to a West Spirit of The Rule of Law. TRUMP or the non value: okay it's hokey (trial in disgrace and so on: poor puppet of East and business). However I would like to comment the paper from this online very interesting review (not because these are my countrymen, they are, but for others reasons), on the contrary of Pressenza, I unsubscribe now because of its ONGOING PROPAGANDA esp
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"Trump Trials" and American Presidential Campaign
Cecile Voisset
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