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If you really want Democracy, stop telling lies and silly things. First of all because I don't think he is a stupid person, I cannot read him without any remark with the only but aim of honesty and collective interest instead of selfish egotist opinions or ego viewpoints : "When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals" (Edward Snowden, Twitter, August 4th). New morals by people who are sure but so sure they are all honest without any field to outkeep. How could you seriously, honestly, say that ? Don't remember, Saint of You living in the whistleblowers Kingdom, that telling truth is tellign all the Truth : in Courtroom, you swear and promise to tell Truth and only Truth (on Bible in U. S.). Mr SnowGod, do you tell ALL the Truth when you dare put yourself and your collegues above The Rule Of law which governs, is governing now in The United States of America where even one Trump, a former
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"Trump Trials" and American Presidential Campaign
Cecile Voisset
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