Sugaring the Pill ?
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Sugaring the Pill ?
Drugs, cartels, fakes, intox and toxicity, any pharma markets, and .... ahead an ATOMIC SCANDAL whose name is Corona Case [Coronavirus sounds bad, false], COVID19 code name (with its shots and obligatory mandates despite Past and a code like Nuremberg one) in order to satisfy illegal interests ( non, over due legacies) by any ways and especially by subterranean wars (psychological for example) and political CORRUPTION on a big scale (mirrored by a huge criminal conspiracy), more generally speaking in regard to THE CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS CASE, an UNTOLD or TABOO is likely at stake, something The Rule of Law has to spell out. That's why I chose the photo (source : The Conversation, the Australian online News daily review, on Otctober 6th) of Jon Fosse who has just won the 2023 Nobel of Literature for giving "voice to the unsayable". It's democratically very important, serious.
Free Speech is at stake, truly; and on DEBATE counts. An ex
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"Trump Trials" and American Presidential Campaign
Cecile Voisset
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