Reports vs Disinformation or Propaganda (Truth of Trump Trials)
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Reports vs Disinformation or Propaganda (Truth of Trump Trials)
Fake or false reports, lies and defamations, disinformation more generally speaking, only but face now American DOJ (FBI and so on) : Justice Ahead, ONGOING INVESTIGATION.S (until thinking, along a worldwide thought line, in and outside U. S.), to which belongs past and present REPORTS as well as past PROBES (The Mueller Report which can now matter in view of the new judicial year....). That's why I chose today a new doc (source : American Experience, Newsletter, November 7th) which can be viewed as Premiere in New York City on November 10th and then on Spring of 2024 on PBS : The Riot Report (quote) "explores this pivotal moment in the nation's history and the fraight social dynamics that simultaneously spurred the commission's investigation and doomed its findings to political oblivion". POLITICAL OBLIVION, AMNESIA OR UNTOLD as - SUBTERRANEAN - CRIME(S)..... Liars most part of them forget when they are listened to hearings regardi
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"Trump Trials" and American Presidential Campaign
Cecile Voisset
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