Trump Name Doesn't Matter
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Trump Name Doesn't Matter
Thank you to MeidasTouch for the photo on which you can see someone whose name matters (among others) : R. F .Kennedy Jr runs as Independant, anyway; and it seems he is a tough contender to a likely disqualified and shameless former President of U.S.. But Kennedy counts and not (only) as a clan one (by his name) but like others (more or less known) surely Classified documents case will reveal ; interesting is that Lawrence O'Donnell's - MSNBC : "The Last Word" - rightly ironizes on the fact that Trump does not want to reveal what FBI found in those documents in Mar-a-Lago. So: Trump name doesn't matter and endless focus on him is a wrong one and possibly an attempt to avoid BIG ISSUE(S). Instead Justice matters. You dislike Justice and peace (and so on) if you refuse, cancel, dismiss, even steal names.
A bit surprised and disappointed by Glenn Kirschner (Oct. 14th) whose headline or Justice thread as former Prosecutor is "Legal ana
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