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Publié le 14 août 2023 Mis à jour le 14 août 2023 Culture
time 2 min
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MeidasTouch (source : August 13th) reports an expected claim : "Jamie Raskin says Committee Democrats will now issue a report detailing the millions of dollars Trump and his family have pocketed from foreign governements and entities". TRUMP election was, is CORRUPTION. His government was thus corrupted and couldn' have been uncorrupted; the plot or the "huge seditious criminal conspiracy" is also the mark of such a corruption tied to overseas countries, partnerships with bribery and so on with the opinion or belief that anything can be bought and sold : CORRUPTION MIND, COMPLIANCE INTOX, DISINFORMATION or PROPAGANDA or LIES REIGN, absolute destruction of values. Given the opposite of corruption is integrity, US was then in danger to loose their union (precious Constitution D. Trump hates) like other countries still lack of Justice with opinions and us in accordance to which slow is (generally) justice : imagine when the crime is seri

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"Trump Trials" and American Presidential Campaign de Cecile Voisset

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