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DNA-KEY, Justice and Faking

DNA-KEY, Justice and Faking

Publié le 11 août 2023 Mis à jour le 11 août 2023 Culture
time 4 min
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lecture 97 lectures

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DNA-KEY, Justice and Faking


My photo today is for Freedom Celebration, and due recalls : thank you then to Haaretz Archeology & Science (August 10th) for such a paper (by Ariel David) : "Ancient DNA Study Reveales Descendants of Enslaved African Americans". DOJ is actually busy, and will be for a long time busy too. There is no Democracy without Rights and Duties, ACCOUNTABILITY and/or LIBERTY : free speech, free press, depend on VALUES you embody or not (mind your faults in any meaning, judicial and ethical for example). It appears more and more such a lack of courage, so little resistance and Democracy Defenses, that it's very difficult to imagine a peaceful solution : teams (bands, and whatever kind of hidden groups) won't change, DOJ will still be solicitated as other Justice Institutions because of both scale and size regarding BIG ISSUES, BIG LIES, BIG CRIMES : unprecedent case (generally speaking) in political affairs and offices it seems. 

I could hav

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