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Either The Rule Of Law Or Mafia (II)

Either The Rule Of Law Or Mafia (II)

Publié le 29 juil. 2023 Mis à jour le 29 juil. 2023 Culture
time 2 min
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lecture 56 lectures

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Either The Rule Of Law Or Mafia (II)


No human being has to be bought, no assassination of President ....no shot Sheriff, no deal at all concerning humankind ... I open this paper with a photo and its comments (The Kennedy Beacon, July 29th) because it talks about of a big issue without falling into fear (not the goal) but for realizing dangers and threats by many viewpoints and some of them very hidden or taboo. Anyway, here is at stake this (quote) : "Saturday News Round Up - RFK Jr Denied Secret Service Protection Day After Hunter Biden is Escorted to a Criminal Proceeding by Secret Service Detail." A fact, its statement ; but also an ISSUE, something political to solve after its claim and noisy if it is necessary : State duties and a recall of one and only one choice : The Rule of Law or DEMOCRACY (CITIZENS), if not : CRIMINALITY RULES (PIGS). And US are not the champions of such a lack, loss of consciousness. When cops intend to rule the world with dealers of any k

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