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4th Round : The "Dossier"

4th Round : The "Dossier"

Publié le 8 sept. 2023 Mis à jour le 8 sept. 2023 Culture
time 3 min
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lecture 65 lectures

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4th Round : The "Dossier"


Thanks to Reuters for the photo (Sept. 5th) with now some echo or resonance on international stage (not on the private one), a kind of duet, not of two brothers but both two State chiefs whose ties with Democracy seem quiete loose; unless you except Edward Snowden as refugee in Russia, the same country with the same President who still wages war to Ukraine. This is obviously to link with a first news (The Conversation, Sept. 5th) : "Ukraine war : two good reasons the world should worry baout Russia's arms purchases from North Korea". And do you know what ? Complicated feelings seem to be between on one hand between Russia and Ukraine, on the other hand between Israel and Ukraine rather than with Russia, alas, yes (Haaretz Daily Brief, Sept. 7th) : "A day after the Russian President Putin made antisemitic assertions [he called Zlensky "an Ethnic Jew"], the countries signed an agreement that would allow filmakers to 'exchange experienc

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