Second Round
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Second Round
Nothing better than this photo of St Catherine Church in St Petersburg, now. Chess is partly reversed, useless bad pawns down. And we come back to Rachel Maddow job with her expert eye on the Russian Dossier, more broadly speaking regarding A RUSSIAN ISSUE : a VERY BIG issue. Here is the deal (source : The Rachel Maddow Show, MSNBC, Sept. 3rd) : "Russia Behind Mike Flynn's Work For Turkey - report". Do you know that the famous Catholic Church was rebuilt (thanks to Boris Elstin; do you remember the giggles he had with President Clinton ? I do) after the monstruous destruction of 'Catherine Burgh', the shot the assassination of the all family by Communisty Party and then a monument, a Cathedral today but build on the blood since the collapse of Soviet Union. Something to keep in mind in order to understand POLITICAL ISSUES in a Putin's Russia ; for example, a secession movement in California (for Trump) which refers to Moscow ; anoth
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