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LOOKING BACK FOR CLARIFYING TODAY(Post-Trump : Trump, U. S., France, Russia, Israel, and PROPAGANDA) 

LOOKING BACK FOR CLARIFYING TODAY(Post-Trump : Trump, U. S., France, Russia, Israel, and PROPAGANDA) 

Publicado el 8, ago, 2023 Actualizado 8, ago, 2023 Cultura
time 3 min
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LOOKING BACK FOR CLARIFYING TODAY(Post-Trump : Trump, U. S., France, Russia, Israel, and PROPAGANDA) 

Looking back for clarifying today, today, now the worst is behind U. S. : Truth is coming, Justice too. I chose the picture above on Twitter (August 7th, by Danny Haiphong) because it talks about a reality, a past one and maybe because she can be understood lika a piece of advice for a non return and commitment for it (a tomorrow, now) : American Propaganda as BIG LIE, something COVID19 makes us think. We'll see; anyway, no one (and no State) is perfect but the point is to admit. Trump, and Trump Defendant, Presidential Run too, could be names and time for a stop, what (it seems) someone like Bobby Kennedy Jr intends to tell by the very name he embodies. 

Anyway, no comparison today but parallels like mirror effects and sane ones. From France : two news to comment. 1. (source : FaceBook, "Le mouvement") The same danger for Democracy than in America when Trumpers govern does exist in France when Press obeys and when coward people by fear

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